Book Log
Everything you need to create your own A5 book log.
Everything you need to create your own A5 book log.
For use as a group discussion, as points to consider with your child/ren or on your own. This session focused primarily on context and the difference that makes to understanding a narrative.
For use as a group discussion, as points to consider with your child/ren or on your own. The main themes running through this compare and contrast session are becoming the person you are meant to be rather than the one everyone else thinks you should be, imagination, thinking and belief.
For use as a group discussion, as points to consider with your child/ren or on your own. The main themes running through this compare and contrast session are becoming a better person, over-coming your difficulties and family relationships.
For use as a group discussion, as points to consider with your child/ren or on your own. The main themes running through this compare and contrast session are fighting for what you believe in, control and power over others, what it means to be part of a whole.
For use as a group discussion, as points to consider with your child/ren or on your own. The main themes running through this compare and contrast session are journeys, growing up and reaching your full potential.
For use as a group discussion, as points to consider with your child/ren or on your own. The main theme running through this compare and contrast session is what it means to be a male and a female hero.
For use as a group discussion, as points to consider with your child/ren or on your own. The main themes running through this compare and contrast session are what makes us different, what makes us ‘other’ and how it feels to be an outsider.